Monday, May 27, 2013

host family

I found out my host family about a month ago but I haven't been able to write about it until now... I've been too busy with school and swimming, but now all of that is over (well, at least the school part) and I can relax and focus on studying Italian!

So... I'm going to Padua! (in Italian it is Padova) And I could not be more excited. It is a beautiful university city with a stunning city-center, church, and river running through it. I found out in early May when my host sister emailed me. She will be headed to America for an exchange while I am in Italy!  I will have two younger host sisters that will stay in Padua while she goes to the US.  TWO YOUNGER SISTERS! Finally, my dream of being an older sister will be fulfilled. 

{Padua's City-Center}

Padua is a quick twenty-minute train ride from Venice, so hopefully I'll get to visit the City of Bridges a few times during my exchange. 

{Bridge of Sighs, Venice}

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